Alameda County Housing Element Comment Bot (“C-Bot”)

If you have gotten here, congratulations on submitting a draft housing element to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) and getting comments back! The next step is to address all of HCD’s questions and concerns in the next draft. ABAG’s Regional Housing Technical Assistance Program team has created CommentBot (“C-Bot”), a tool to help Bay Area jurisdictions address those comments and complete the next draft.

Answer the following yes or no questions based on HCD’s comments, and C-Bot will provide some suggestions to consider and additional resources.

DISCLAIMER: This tool is intended to provide general information and does not constitute legal advice. Additional facts, facts specific to a particular situation, or future developments may affect the subjects discussed in this tool. Seek the advice of your attorney before acting or relying upon the following information.

Answer the following yes or no questions based on what HCD told you, and C-Bot will provide some recommendations and resources.

Affirmatively Further Fair Housing (AFFH)

Public Participation

Sites Inventory

Government Constraints

Policies and Programs

Special Needs Populations


SB 9

Comment Form

Fill out the form below to submit your suggestions.